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Surrey to host Ken Demchuk International Swim Meet in Guildford

3-day para-swimming competition will be held from Dec. 1 to Dec. 3 at Guildford Recreation Centre
Surrey to host international 3-day para-swimming competition Dec. 1 to Dec. 3. (Photo: City of Surrey)

The Ken Demchuk International Swim Meet is coming to the Guildford Recreation Centre.

The three-day para-swimming competition will be held from Dec. 1 to Dec. 3 and according to a City of Surrey press release will bring international attention to Surrey as some 150 paralympic swimmers are expected to compete.

“The City of Surrey is committed to being a leader in major sporting events and accessibility,” Mayor Brenda Locke stated in the press release, issued Friday. “Sports are an example of how to bring people of all abilities together, which is why we continuously strive to ensure our public facilities are equipped with the latest features so everyone can participate. I look forward to seeing the best paralympic swimmers compete in the Ken Demchuck International Swim Meet.”

Entry will be free and as such tickets aren’t required.

About the Author: Tom Zytaruk

I write unvarnished opinion columns and unbiased news reports for the Surrey Now-Leader.
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