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Surrey council tackles strategic plans for Guildford, Fleetwood, Cloverdale

The plans are intended to guide growth in the three communities
Surrey council chambers at City Hall. (File photo)

Surrey council considered three major strategic plans for Guildford, Cloverdale and Fleetwood on Monday night.

A corporate report concerning the second phase of the Guildford Plan was approved. It’s a comprehensive strategy that will guide growth in that community over the next 30 to 50 years and will be developed in multiple phases.

“The plan also provides details on how growth will be supported by infrastructure and community amenities to achieve community objectives,” the staff report states. It covers Guildford’s town centre core and adjacent land along 104 Avenue and from 140 Street to Highway 1.

“The plan will create a compact, sustainable, and transit‐oriented community with a diverse offering of housing types, interconnected transportation choices, and local amenities that serve all residents,” the corporate report reads.

The idea is to integrate land use, sustainable transportation systems, parks and community amenities, and infrastructure with an eye to climate change challenges and affordable housing. “The plan’s strategies, map concepts, and policies are intended to provide certainty to residents, landowners, developers, and the city, while ensuring adequate provision of public infrastructure such as schools, parks, roads, transit, and utilities.”

Council at the same meeting gave second-reading approval to two related bylaws and set a public hearing for Monday, Nov. 20 at 7 p.m.

Meantime, a final strategy for land use planning in Fleetwood is expected to be before Surrey council for consideration in 2024 to support the Surrey-Langley SkyTrain expansion project with a focus on housing, employment, services and amenities in the town centre and near SkyTrain stations along Fraser Highway.

Council on Oct. 16 authorized city staff to complete second-stage planning components related to the Fleetwood Plan, initiated in April 2019. It also gave third-reading approval to a related bylaw on Oct. 30.

READ ALSO: Surrey moves to second stage of Fleetwood Plan

READ ALSO: Put schools, daycares in new towers along Surrey-Langley Skytrain route, Surrey councillor says

The third comprehensive land use plan before council Monday night concerned Cloverdale’s town centre. A corporate report approved by council Oct. 30 notes that the new Cloverdale Hospital and future expansion of Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s Technology Campus will “fundamentally change the market conditions in the area, increasing demand for office supportive and employment uses.

“An update to the existing plan will ensure it is supportive of these changes with appropriate and supportive land uses and development parameters. Staff will initiate a plan update upon council approval of this report,” the report states.

About the Author: Tom Zytaruk

I write unvarnished opinion columns and unbiased news reports for the Surrey Now-Leader.
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