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‘Kicking a problem down the road’: boundary changes coming to Surrey schools

When Ta’talu Elementary opens in 2025, some students will switch schools to ease over-crowding
Catchment changes to South Surrey elementary schools when Ta’talu Elementary opens its doors in January 2025. (Surrey school district graphic)

Catchment boundaries established four years ago for the new South Surrey school Ta’talu Elementary are being re-considered as neighbouring school Edgewood is seeing a significant increase in enrolment that has resulted in a substantial loss of playground space.

A public consultation was held with community members who would be affected by a boundary change, including families who attend South Surrey schools. Through in-person, email, letter and live-video consultations, respondents were presented with two options: the original one from 2019 and a newly developed one.

Surrey school district’s Asst. Supt. Neder Dhillon presented the options and responses received to trustees during the last board meeting of the year, on Wednesday (Dec. 13) night.

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The original option, Option A, would divide the Edgewood catchment along 20 Avenue and would see students who live on the south side of 20 Avenue attend Ta’talu when it opens in January 2025.

“If we went with Option A, you’ll notice that Edgewood Elementary in 2025 would have a projected population of 776 students, which would still be significantly over the capacity of the school which is currently 607 students,” Dhillon said.

The 776 students would represent a slight reduction from current enrolment, which is 889 students, according to district data, but the school also has 14 portables on site.

If the first option is chosen, Ta’talu would have about 284 students enrolled upon opening, while it would have a capacity for 612.

“The ministry of education would not look too kindly upon a new school opening with so few students,” Dhillon added.

The second, and recommended, option would reduce enrolment at Edgewood to 601 students after the new school opens, while Ta’talu would open with 459 students enrolled. This option would also remove all portables at Edgewood.

“We recognize the need to take some of the pressure certainly off Edgewood, I mean almost all the play space has gone,” said board chair Laurie Larsen.

The boundary would be drawn on 22 Avenue from Highway 99 to 164A Street, on 21 Avenue from 164A Street to 168 Street and on 20 Avenue from 168 Street to Highway 15.

Grade 7 students in the Ta’talu catchment who are currently attending Edgewood will move to Earl Marriott Secondary in September, which some parents expressed concern over, favouring Grandview Heights.

While some respondents were not fully in agreement with the second option and prefer the original catchment, Dhillon said Option B is more desirable overall for community members.

During one consultation, a parent said that they seem to be “kicking a problem down the road” and the issue will resurface when Ta’talu is over-capacity, Dhillon shared.

The district will proceed with the second option, however Dhillon noted that catchment boundaries may change again once another new school has been approved and built in South Surrey’s Darts Hill area.

Sobia Moman

About the Author: Sobia Moman

Sobia Moman is a news and features reporter with the Peace Arch News.
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