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Students decorate classroom doors at Lord Tweedsmuir for annual contest

Christmas door decorating competition running for more than ten years

Staff and school alumni walked around Lord Tweedsmuir this week judging the annual “Christmas Doors Contest.”

For the contest, students decorate their classroom door using a limited amount of items they are given. Kids were also allowed to augment the decorations with an unlimited amount of paper. Many even cut up and used the bag the items were delivered in as decorations. Bags included a couple different kinds of Christmas wrapping paper, ribbons, bows, Christmas-themed gift bags, and more.

About two dozen classrooms participated in the contest. The judging committee then walked the school’s halls and visited each classroom that entered.

Former student Alan Clegg, who is also a judge every year, said he enjoys coming back to his alma mater (Class of 1960) to judge the doors for the decorating contest.

“The alumni group always sends judges,” explained Clegg. “And it’s a good way to keep in contact with the school, both for us as individuals and the alumni association.”

He said it’s also nice to see how much effort students put into the doors and how each class interprets the relevant contest theme each year.

“Some can get really creative,” he added. “It’s a nice way for kids to get into the holiday spirit.”

The judges awarded first prize to Ms. Hockey’s Drama 8 class (Theatre) for their double-door display they named “A Taste of Winter.”

Second place was awarded to Ms. Ojea’s Spanish 10 class for their door “Gingerbread House.”

Third-place honours went to a door called “Christmas Fortnite” decorated by Mrs. Robinson’s English First Peoples 12 class.

The judging committee also named three honourable mentions: Ms. Karic’s Science 9 class for their “Three-dimensional Christmas Tree,” Mr. Kumar’s Social Studies 10 class for a winter-themed door recognizing Indigenous peoples, and to Ms. Adachi’s and Ms. Reum’s BASES class for a door rendered into a Christmas tree with presents.

Malin Jordan

About the Author: Malin Jordan

Malin is the editor of the Cloverdale Reporter.
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